
Monday, May 30, 2016

Where Does the Time go?

creds to google images
Hey everybody,
      Time has always meant little to me and I'm often late for everything (unless my mom is taking me there then I'm 20 minutes early). I tend to trust the flow of the Universe to take care of everything. 

      These day's though I'm seeing how much of a necessity time management is. Moving means a new school which comes with some challenges, Challenges such as some of my class credits not transferring over to another high school. My AP Science, Spanish, and Geometry didn't transfer. In most cases it does but in my old school was a yearly schedule while this school runs on a block schedule. In order to graduate in a few years I have to get credit for a math class. They decided to give me an online math class which would be okay if I didn't have 5 weeks to complete it. Math is not my strong suit and I only have 18% done since it was just assigned. My "Due Date" is the 10th of June and that's including my final. Never in a million years have I been so stressed out over a math course.
creds to google images
      For anyone out there who has had trouble managing their time I've come up with a cheat list on how to manage your time.

How to capture and keep time - Take Pictures
How to get away from time - Music
How to go to a new time - Read
How to release time - Exhale 
How to describe time - Write 
How to keep track of time - Keep a Diary 
HOW TO TIME MANAGE - Commit to Less and Enjoy More... the less 
you have on yourself, less pressure, the more time you have to enjoy

All the Love,
Hugs from Hayley xx

To Make You Think

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Word to Make Your Day Better

Posting this because everyone has a special place but might not have the right name for it.

My special place is Ocean City Maryland. When I look out into the distance it makes me feel small. This isn't a bad thing; it reminds me that I am a part of something so much bigger. When I'm at the beach I feel like I am a part of it. I get so caught up in the waves and the beauty of it all that I actually forget about anything else.

Where's your special place?

All the love,
Hugs from Hayley xx

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Goals and Purpose

      I think having goals in your life is having reason and direction. Purpose. If you have nothing to strive for you won't get far.
1)  To go to Appalachian State 
2) Travel to Italy, Paris, Pompeii, Rome, Germany. China, etc... with the person I love
3) Write a book 
4) Write another 
5) Touch people with my writing
6) Adopt Children and have my own
7) Go on a spontaneous adventure
8) Volunteer in another country 
9) Skydive 
10) Buy my first house
      I think people are afraid to give themselves purpose. Too scared to take risks and disappoint the others around them. If not fear it's the mindset that their life is already going in a certain direction and there isn't a chance to change it now. Having purpose will help to motivate you to keep going through the not so great parts of your "reaching of goals" process, motivation kills procrastination.
     They teach us that college is key; but never give help us figure out a reason why we should care about college. As I've stated above I'm going to college but it's only because of my parents and my own self interest in marketing. They tell us we need to know APA format for our college papers but don't have backing attached to the thought. There are people who don't try because they see others in Honors classes or AP courses and think that they're less intelligent. That the honors kids are another rung up that ladder, a step ahead in the battle. This is where it starts. The cycle in which pupils believe they can't go anywhere else in life.
                           "If I can't even make it to an honors class my freshman year, 
                            how do you think I'm going to make it to college?" - A friend
      We live in a society that gives people labels but not direction. There is no instruction manual on where to go after high school. There is no class that gives you reason to go anywhere from high school. 
        Because school and society won't teach you, I'm here to say, to encourage you all to take 30 minutes and write down at least 10 goals in life. 
         We've all been through so much in our lifetime. And while some suffer more then others were all here for a reason, we have to be. Even if you've been through hell and back YOU'RE READING THIS POST. Somewhere along the line you wrote a letter to yourself and placed it under your pillow. You kissed your own scars. YOU put cast on all the bones that were broken by sticks and stones and signed them on your own. And if you're struggling now, if you can't find a purpose search a little longer. There are 7 countries and billions of people out there. Nothing is more sad then seeing people who haven't seen the world give up on it. 

Don't give up. 

All the love,
Hugs from Hayley xx

Monday, May 2, 2016

It's May

Hello everyone!

       It feels rather odd that it's already May... Like no, it was just April first yesterday. I can't say I mind it though, I love May, 98 cent flipflops, the beach, and flowers. One thing I noticed was that a lot of people are posting goals for May. They have for other months as well but May seems to be "the month" for a lot of people. Personally I think that's great, goals keep us going; however I'm not going to lie to any of you or myself about monthly goals. Like I said if you can do it that's great, but setting and keeping monthly goals for me is a skill I haven't quite mastered. It's just like chocolate, kudos to you if you can cut it out of your diet because when I tried that it lasted roughly 2 weeks.
      Don't get me wrong I have goals and plans and dreams. As a matter of fact I am considered a "perfectionist" to my friends, my standards are set high and if I really want something done, I'll make it happen. My personality contradicts itself often though because I'm a visionary who's had my collage picked out since I was 12 but I'm also that free spirit who looks at life through rose colored shades; letting the flow of the universe kinda take care of everything. Anyway my carefree side doesn't really make monthly goals if that makes any sense.

      On another note I'd like to show everyone my new addition to my collection of "old Junk." 

      During the move my typewriter managed to get damaged. Not severely, the knob on the right side snapped into a few pieces (it could be fixed with glue) and some of the leather was ripped off the bottom. I won't sugar coat it, I cried. I think it was a mix between knowing how long the piece lasted without having that damage and the pure fact that it was my favorite thing in my collection of antiques. Knowing how upset I was my dad said he'd make it up to me. Two weeks ago we were rummaging around an antique store when we discovered this bad boy. It was manufactured by the Oliver Typewriter Company in 1926, 449,000 of this particular model were produced. The paper is still inside. There are no years on the paper but it's dated Jan. 22. The paper seems to be more like a journal entry describing things he/she did throughout the day. However the page is only half finished which is a shame. 

Wishing everyone the best with their May Goals
Hugs from Hayley xx

The Text Tag

The rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you/give a link back to their blog
- Answer the original 6 text-themed questions
- Add a typography/word related question of your own for those you tagged to answer
- Tag at least 6 bloggers and let them know
- Include these rules in your post

 - The Questions -

1. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
I like "Y's" because of the way I write them.

2. What are three words that you love?
Time, Thought, Supercalifraga... lol just kidding but
 I also like the word "write" 

3. What are three words that you hate?
Blouse, pock-a-book, butter

4. If you were to create a word, what would it be, and what would it describe?
Disbrelief the feeling you have when you are not disciplined for an obvious error.
He looked in disbrelief at his mustang that hadn't been stolen despite his open garage door. 

5. What are your three favorite punctuation marks?
@ {} ""

6. What are your three favorite fonts?
"Coming soon" "Ludica Fox" "Neaucha"

Specific question from Little Robbin for me:
What's a word/words that you think is often misunderstood and gets used in the wrong context?
Words that get misunderstood and used in the wrong context is "I Love You." Many people use it as a way to attract others instead of actually meaning it.

My question to the people I tag is...
What phrase or quote motivates you? 
So, here are the people I tag:

A special thanks to Little Robin for tagging me and getting an opportunity to link up and be a part of the text tag. For anyone who doesn't read her blog already her posts will make you both think and smile:)

Hugs From Hayley xx