
Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Adventure Books

      Everyone has seen the movie UP, and if you haven't shame on you, shame on your family, and shame on your cow (Just a little Disney humor).   Anyway in the movie there is an adventure book of a little boy who grows into a man, with his best friend by his side. They end up getting married and he ends up having a book about all of his adventures. As an old man he looks back on these adventures and all  the memories of his wife before she died. I decided I wanted to make a book, better yet two about the story of my life. 
      I found the books (brand new and still in the wrapping) for $1 a piece at our local library's shop. They have 100 pages along with wax paper in-between each page, giving me plenty of room to lay out my own adventures.

      The  letters on the front are cork-board letters that I got on sale for $2.50 a box at Micheal's.  The keys (50 cents) and arrow decals ($1) was also from Michael's. 

PA. stands for Part (part one)

 (part two)

^^^This is my first pages of my book. Featuring my first house, facts about my birth, and baby pictures. This is the one from the movie that I based mine off of.


I'll give you updates on my book over time<3

~Hugs from Hayley


  1. For some reason I couldn't get all your pictures to display, but I love this idea! Good luck and have fun:)
    Blessings, Aimee
    PS: Since you sound like a fellow Disney lover, I will share with you that I recently found a collection of Disney records that I had as a kid---made my day:)

    1. I absolutely love Disney! Also that's really cool about your records! Hope you get a chance to listen to them, maybe on a rainy day or something like that :)

  2. Hello Hayley! I would love to hear more about this book from you :)

    Just a heads up, I can't see any images you posted. Could you check?

  3. Thank you guys for the heads up, My mom and Grandma notified me of this and I'm on it. I think I finally got it to work.
    Let me know though and thanks again!
    -Hugs from Hayley

  4. They are all showing now Hayley. Whatever you did worked :)
    Blessings, Aimee


Thanks for visiting and commenting!
~Hugs from Hayley