
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Writers Block

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I walk into a piece, I walk out a different being. // - 12 am reading poetry

Hello everyone, 
So I have/had an incredibly cool story in my head, and now I'm turning it into words on a screen and it's suddenly dumb. Oddly, I can't think of the right words for what I'm trying to convey in this one paragraph. I  keep imagining all the reasons people are going to say my story sucks, and it paralyzes me. To put it blatantly, I have writers block. 

It's odd I can imagine my characters well and bits and pieces of the story come to me here and there but I have no idea if I should continue.  My main goal with my writing is impacting. I want to make a difference in someone life. I want my book to have a special place on someone's shelf but my self-doubt is eating me alive... Any tips???

Hope all my writer friends are having better luck than me,
All the love,
Hugs from Hayley xx


  1. You will push through this. Maybe try writing not to inspire others but yourself. When you start worrying about what others think, you can drive yourself mad.
    Luck and good vibes!

    1. Thank you for the advice :) I can't give something I don't have,
      All the love.
      Hayley xx

  2. First, no one's gonna say 'that's dumb writing', but being critical with yourself isn't too bad. From time to time, everyone has a writers block, just to get back to it with even more inspiration some day. Put the pressure you're making yourself away - in the first place, your book should be the favourite one in YOUR shelf, because well, you wrote all those beautiful words. Make sure to go out, meet new people, read a lot and watch movies to fill your soul with experience that inspires you! Lots of love,

    1. Thank you so much for the good vibes and advice, I needed to hear it :)
      All the love,
      Hayley xx

  3. Really really nice post, love it!
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~Hugs from Hayley